Schoolwide Positive Behavior Program
At Kelly Elementary, PBIS principles are used to teach, recognize and praise the behaviors we expect to see from our students. Additionally, behavioral data is used to identify and support students with emotional or behavioral needs. This framework allows for all students to receive the supports they need to be successful in school.
School Wide Behavioral Expectations
Behavioral expectations at Kelly Elementary center around four basic principles that tell us “What do dragons do? They D.A.S.H!”
D - Do Kind Things
A - Always Try Our Best
S - Stay Safe
H - Hold Ourselves Responsible
There are posters throughout the school detailing the four school rules (D.A.S.H.). At the beginning of the school year and again in January, students will be taught expected behaviors for each rule. Teachers will help students learn what the expectations look and sound like in every setting of the school environment.
Students will receive Dragon Stars from staff when they are meeting behavioral expectations and can place Dragon Stars in the classroom jar. Teachers may draw from the classroom jar for special individual recognition or may award a class reward or special activity (i.e. PJ day, extra recess, etc.) for meeting a goal. Dragon Stars are part of each teacher’s classroom management system as well as our building SWPBIS.
Teachers will submit the total number of Dragon Stars earned each week and classes will receive special recognition when they reach a milestone.
Social and Emotional Learning
A subcommittee of our PBIS team is dedicated to providing our students with quality social and emotional learning opportunities. The Lewisburg Area School District has purchased the Second Step program, which provides primary students sequenced lessons on topics about understanding their emotions, developing social and problem-solving skills, and building empathy. Each teacher has materials to support weekly 2nd step lessons at each grade level. Supplemental materials for anti-bullying and emotional regulation themes are also available to Kelly students.
Social and emotional education is provided to all students as a Tier one support, to build student skills and create community of caring throughout our building. Research shows universal, classroom-based SEL programs for children have benefits academically, socially, and over the long term. For more information about the Second step program, please visit:
PBIS Family Handbook
PBIS Brochure - English
PBIS Brochure - Spanish