Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Program
MTSS is a series of interventions that support student achievement. Interventions include:

  • Professional development for teachers:  faculty receive annual professional development in both academic and social-emotional topics.

  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (please see the PBIS portion of our Handbook)

  • Response to Intervention (RTI): Includes three tiers of academic support

Tier 1- All students receive high quality, research-based instruction in the general education setting. All students will be administered the following universal screeners for academics: STAR and DIBELS.  The screeners will be used to identify students with greater needs.

Tier 2- Students struggling to make progress at Tier 1 (approximately 15% of all students) will receive tiered intervention based on universal screener results.  Students will receive academic MTSS interventions after falling into both the “intervention” categories of the STAR assessment and the “intensive” and “strategic” categories for DIBELS. Interventions will occur 4 times/week for 30 minutes per session. Anticipated duration of interventions may last for a marking period or longer, depending on student progress.

Tier 3- Students who have not responded adequately to interventions in Tier 1 and Tier 2 and are performing below grade level will move to Tier 3.  They will receive intensified, comprehensive intervention along with their grade-level instruction. Anticipated duration of interventions may last for a marking period or longer, depending on student progress.

  • School and community collaboration- PSA supports our building initiatives.

  • Curriculum Design- Kelly Elementary teachers participate in curricular development along with the administrative team.

MTSS Progress Monitoring
In addition to quarterly report cards, students receiving tiered supports through MTSS will have progress monitoring for specific literacy skills. Parents who have concern about their child’s academic progress should consult with their student’s classroom teacher or Lindsey Brown, LASD MTSS Coordinator at:

MTSS Resources

MTSS Community Letter

MTSS Brochure

MTSS Community Letter (Spanish)

MTSS Brochure (Spanish)