Kelly Elementary School is home to Pre-K through third grade. The
building has approximately 610 students and 51 professional educators.
It offers a child centered learning program that builds a solid
foundation of reading and math skills for all students. Class sizes are
typically 20 or less to maximize learning experiences in these formative
years. Kelly features certified teachers at all grade levels and in the areas
of art, music, library, and physical education.
Kelly Daily Schedule
Student Arrival/Drop-off (8:20 AM - 8:45 AM)
Students Dismissed/Pick-up (3:30 PM)
School Day (8:45 AM - 3:30 PM)
New student registration for grades K-3 is available online.
Please register at: New Student Registration
Important Information
The Lewisburg Area School District is accepting registrations for
upcoming kindergarteners that will be five years of age on or before
September 1. Information packets will be mailed to local residents with
children believed to be of kindergarten age. Please call the Kelly
Elementary School office at (570) 522-3292 to confirm that your child's
name and address are on our mailing list for next year's kindergarten.
Online registration is available at: Kelly Kindergarten Registration
Attendance Procedures
You may report a child's absence in one of two ways:
In the case of student absence from school, parents will receive an automated message at approximately 9:30 a.m. to notify them that their child is not in school. Upon receiving the notification, a parent should email [email protected] or call 570-522-3335 to confirm the absence. An absence note can be emailed to [email protected] or sent to school up to three days after the last day of the absence.
Please call or email the office before 8:45 AM with homework requests due to absence. Homework can be picked up after 3:00 PM in the office.